The Traveling “Catcher in the Rye” – Giveaway with strings attached

The best books are not meant to sit on a bookshelf and gather dust, but rather to be read by anyone who will appreciate them.  A few years ago, my friend Sam had a brilliant idea.  She had a copy of “The Catcher in the Rye” that she loaned to anyone who wanted to read it.  After borrowing it, we would each write our names in the front cover, until eventually there was a long list of people and the places to which the book had traveled.  When we were finished reading it, we would pass it on to someone else who might enjoy it.  Eventually, we lost track of the book; it was last seen in Eastern Europe on its way to Greece.  I’m kind of curious as to where it ended up.

Sam and I decided that we would like to start another traveling copy of “The Catcher in the Rye.”  This time, we will include an e-mail address in the cover, and ask that anyone who gets the book send a brief note with a name (real or imaginary) and location.  I’ll then keep track of where the book has gone on my blog.

To decide where to start the book, I’d like to run a giveaway of sorts.  Anyone who comments on this post will be considered, and I’ll draw a winner in a few weeks (let’s say July 22) and send the book to you.  When you’re done with it, pass it on to someone else who might like it.  Give it away to a friend, relative, acquaintance, complete stranger, that guy on the subway, or even on a blog.  Tell them to pass it on when they finish.  Let’s see how far this can go!

Edit/Note:  I’d prefer to start this somewhere in the US, as I’m a broke grad student and sending mail to other countries can get expensive.

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34 thoughts on “The Traveling “Catcher in the Rye” – Giveaway with strings attached

  1. Pingback: Day 08: Most overrated book | How hollow heart and full

  2. Is that an illustrated edition of the book pictured? Or did someone who borrowed it from you guys add illustrations?? It looks cool

  3. Bookking

    You should check out, which has an organized effort to encourage folks to release and track books “in the wild”. .

  4. I LOVE this idea!! Think I may have to do this!

  5. I love the idea of sharing books that you love. I am always tempted when I am at used book stores to pull books out and urge people to buy them because it was something that I love. Books are meant for sharing!

    • Thanks! The one thing that I dislike about e-books (even though I normally enjoy them tremendously) is that they can’t be passed on to others who might enjoy them.

  6. Going to start reading this with my two 9th grade students after the Spring break!

  7. This is a neat idea.

  8. Anonymous

    Hey where is the book now? Can you lend it to me… I am in Srilanka

  9. Nigel

    This is a great idea, I have had exactly the same thought with a book travelling the world which I intend to start when I travel to Edinburgh for christmas. How is your books journey going? You might be interested to know I’m standing in “The Rye” in High Wycombe, UK whilst writing this.

  10. really cool. Love the idea…I would like to read the catcher in the rye too (great novel!) shame i’m so far (the book still in US?) Hello from Spain! 🙂

  11. beckyday6

    Ha! Thats so cool 🙂

  12. Jillian ♣

    Wow! This is such a great idea! I might have to start something like this, one day…

  13. Too bad I already missed this awesome project. Sounds like fun

  14. I missed the contest, obviously. But this sounds like a great idea for any book!

  15. Pingback: My summer project | 50 Year Project

  16. I love this book. It was the first book I completed from my 1001 list. I’m torn. This is a great and fun idea and I would love to participate. But I read it 6 months ago. Maybe I will leave it up to fate.

  17. I just found your site on Book Blogs. I’d be interested in this giveaway. It sounds interesting & I’ve never actually read Catcher in the Rye all the way through (or if I did it was so long ago that I forgot)! books(at)bookwormfamily(dot)com

  18. That’s a great idea! (Shame I’m in England)

  19. i love this idea so much, but it makes me sad, because i really don’t like the catcher in the rye…

  20. The Catcher in the Rye is one of my favorite books ever! What a wonderful idea!

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